Thursday, April 19, 2012

June 1st Induction Scheduled!

So I am being induced on June 1st. Yes my due date is June 12th so this is early but there is a medical indication for my induction. I have several thrombophelias (clotting disorders- Factor V, Factor 2 and Protein C) that make me hypercoaguable and have required me to be on Lovenox (an anticoagulant) since the beginning of my pregnancy. It currently requires 2 shots a day into my bruised and sore buttox. If I were to go into labor on my own I would most likely be unable to get an epidural and would have to go under general anesthesia if I were to have a c-section. Due to the anticoagulant which currently helps prevent clots, I would have to wait 24 hours after my last shot to get the epidural or spinal or risk dangerous and severe bleeding. 
With my moms history of early labor (I was the longest cooked at 37 weeks) my Dr. and I have decided to set my induction date for 38 weeks and 3 days. While its not my ideal scenario, it does make us very very excited for June 1st!! Can't wait to meet our little one in 43 short days:)

32 weeks

Thursday, April 12, 2012

30 weeks

Last week we went for our 30 week appointment and got an ultrasound to make sure Little Miss was on track as far as growth goes. She is! She is approximately 3.5 pounds and 14 inches long. She kept her hand in front of her face the whole time but is still as cute as can be :) During my appointment we scheduled my induction date for 6/1! 

Here is a side by side of my 30 week belly and our 30 week baby:
We are counting down the days!!! (As of today we will be meeting our little one in 50 short days!!)

Disappearing Toes

 As the weeks have gone by, the belly has gotten larger and my toes have disappeared.