Monday, October 15, 2012

Random thought...

I was just reading a fellow blogger's pregnancy announcement and story of when she took the positive test and couldn't help but think back to my own pregnancy test last October. 

When we moved to Denver we decided we might as well give it a try and work on adding a new Brewer to the bunch. Well after one short month of trying I decided I would take a pregnancy test, of course I took it before my missed period, but I was sure it would give me accurate information anyway.

Well that test was negative.

I just brushed it off and figured we'd try again and that we had nothing to worry about as the past month had been more than stressful with a cross-country move and that the next month would "work".

Well 6 days later, I was 4 days late and so despite my hesitation and strong feeling that I was NOT pregnant I bought another test. I planned on taking it before Chris got home but he came home early that day so while he was changing out of his work clothes I ran up to our guest room bathroom and took the test.

As I heard Chris moving around downstairs, I anxiously waited for the test to produce a result. If it was negative I planned on heading downstairs, grabbing a beer and ordering some dinner and not even mentioning it to Chris as he thought I was crazy for continuing to take tests.

1 1/2 minutes later and I had my answer. When that pink plus sign appeared I about fell over. I was beyond shocked and thrilled and overwhelmed and exploding with emotion. I picked up the test and walked down the stairs right as Chris walked out of our room. 

I literally could not speak.

I shakily held up the test and sat down on the stairs as he looked at the test, then looked at me, then the test, then me, before finally saying "Are you serious?!"

He reached down to pull me into a hug but I was frozen. It was as if my brain was so focused on this news that I couldn't move. After a few seconds I started bawling and hugged him and cried and cried and cried knowing that in 9 short months we would be parents!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Blake's 4 month Dr. appointment

Today we had Blake's 4 month check-up. She was awesome as always and smiled away at the nurse and doctor. She was a bit of a wiggle worm and was a little tough to get a blood pressure on because of it. She also paid such close attention to everything the doctor did, maybe she'll go into medicine one day?

Once again she hated the shots! She screamed and screamed and then passed out, and has now been sleeping for about three hours. I hate when she is hurting, but am so happy she is now able to rest :)

4 Month Stats 
Weight: 13lbs 5oz, 40 percentile
Height: 25 1/4 inches, 75 percentile

Little snow bunny before her appointment

Monday, October 8, 2012

Blake- Month 4

Dear Blake,

Another month as flown by, I mean literally I feel like it was September 1st yesterday, but what a great short month it has been!

We kicked off the month with football season and you fit very well into the family, intently watching every play. Your Gators and Tigers have done well so far and you seem pretty happy about that.

You got to spend more time with your daddy this month as mommy went back to work a few nights a week. And what a treat it has been for the two of you! While I miss you terribly, it is so nice to see the joy on your face when daddy enters the room. You are definitely getting to know him and fall in love with him more now that I am away.

You are performing more tricks and figured out that to end tummy time you just had to roll over. And thats just what you did.

You surprised us all and learned how to sleep through the night. One night we put you down at 9 and the next thing we knew it was 7. And that was that.

You are learning to sit and now laying down is just not an option. 

Your toys are more interesting and you are acknowleding your pups.

Grammy came in town for a visit. And you got to see the mountains and the fall leaves.

You did not like the cold wind on your face!

You are officially a thumb sucker. Pacifers just won't do and each night you fall asleep with your right thumb in your mouth and your left arm thrown over your face.

You have such a little personality! You get angry when things don't go your way, you smile sweetly when you first see us, you flirt, you pout and you break into the biggest grin and squeal when you are entertained and happy.

Oh and your laugh! You learned to laugh and it just made our hearts explode. One solid giggle and a multitude of squeals just made us the happiest parents around.

You love flying and flipping and tipping and twirling. You love kisses on your toes and on your nose. You love bath time and silly songs. And you squeal and shake and smile and shimmy to prove it!

You are the love of our lives and each and every day pulls us deeper into your charm. While it may have been the fastest and craziest four months of our lives we can say with 100% certainty that we would do it one million times over. 

We are more fulfilled than we ever thought possible and it is all because of your button nose, deep blue eyes, wild hair, sweet smile and exploding personality.

We love you,
Mommy and Daddy


How big are you?  
You started out the month at 11lbs 14oz and finished at right around 13lbs (according to our home scale)!
Where did we go?  
Breckenridge, the Continental Divide, shopping, the airport and to several playgroups.
What did you do new?
Rolled over, slept through the night, laughed, saw the mountains, and grew grew grew!
Who did you see?
Denver friends and Grammy.
When did you sleep?
You have definitely developed a schedule. You dropped your 1am feeding and woke up at 4 for several nights, then dropped that as well and started sleeping through the night!!! After a bath and feeding at 9 you go down on your own and don't wake up till 6 or 7 and then go back to sleep until 9 or 10!

Colorado Food Festival on Labor Day 

 Talking to dad

 Friday afternoon walks

 Nap time with mommy

 Anxiously watching the Gators take on Texas A&M

Cheering on Clemson with daddy

 Staying warm in Harvard sweats on a chilly September day

 Play time on the activity mat

 Dressed up for a lunch out on the town

Cuddling with mommy on the Continental Divide

 Play time with daddy

My Dad's a Hunk

Crazy bed head


Morning Smiles and play time

Gameday attire

4 month photo shoot

 Being a goofball this month