Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Oh The Things She Says- July Edition

I swear I could write one of these every day! Blake is seriously out of control and hilarious. Here are a few snippets from the week:

While pushing "Tiny Baby" (a baby doll) around in the stroller. 
"Hang on Tiny Baby!! Hang on!"

After going over a bump in the road on the way to camp. 
"No bumps mom. Just drive."

Her new response to basically everything. 
"Oh yeaaaaa!" 

While playing with her toys in the tub, a few things were sinking. 
"Oh no!! Save it!"

After a sticker she was playing with tore. 
"Oh no! I broke it. I need tape!"

I had gone to a baby shower and Chris put her down for a nap, which she did not want to take and fought FOREVER, so when I got home I went to get her up. She gave me the biggest hug and said "Mommys back!!! I love mommy."

While looking in the mirror after bath time. 
"Eyes. Nose. Cheek. Cheek. Mouth. I bootiful."

When she sees her face after a particularly messy meal.
 "I Mess-a!"

She loves to tell Maisy that she loves her and try to calm her down when she's upset and has started saying "Hi buddy!" to Jackson when she sees him. She also has become adorably OCD and when she chooses to put away her toys they MUST go in the correct spot. Oh and the other day she asked for noodles for breakfast, insisted on napping in her bathing suit and wanted to wear her bunny slippers on a walk.

In closing here is a video of the crazy, using a tortilla as a blanket so her cookies could nap.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Oh the Things She Says-June Edition

Blake- "Cookie." Any adult in the room- "No. Blake no cookie right now." Blake- "Cookie! I need it!!"

While shopping at Nordstroms, Blake found a pair of magenta Ugg slippers. After pulling them off the shelf and putting them on, Blake proceeded to run around yelling. 
"I like these! I like deeeessseeee!!"

While I was carrying both of them, Blake reached her arm around Maisy's back and said 
"Maisy. Tiny. Blake help carry."

Whenever there is a loud noise or really any noise for that matter Blake tells us that she "heared it." Maisy cries: 
"I heared it! Maisy crynin. I heared it."

For your viewing pleasure, Blake's version of "Let it Go"

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Oh the things she says- Early May

After unloading the cart into the car after a trip to Trader Joe's: Blake "Yay! We did it!!!"
When getting dressed this morning, I told Blake she was cute, she said "Blake, princess"
Whenever you tell Blake her hair looks good or her outfit is pretty she responds with a hair flip, 'Yes I already know giggle' and a "thank you!"
Whenever she hugs or kisses Maisy she says "Ahhh" and whenever she does something helpful she says "thank you", thanking herself
She has started saying "ummm....and looking away when thinking about the answer."
Yesterday at breakfast...Me- "Blake how old are you." Blake "4!" Me-"No Blake you aren't 4." Blake- "12!" Me- "No Blake you aren't 12." Blake- "ONNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!"

Monday, April 7, 2014

36 weeks HUGE

I know this is cliche and I know its hard to believe, but I have completely forgotten how I felt at the end of my pregnancy with Blake. Like totally dropped it from my brain. But I can sort of remember being uncomfortable and the EXTREME discomfort I feel now is helping that memory. I feel huge, I'm really not so I know I shouldn't complain, but I feel that way. 

And I'm hot, granted its only 40* outside but I'm still hot, but its not acceptable to go out without pants on because well its only 40* outside. And sometimes I get cold. So really its best to wear pants, but pants SUCK. They are so uncomfortable. I want to be in pajamas that are too big or dresses or naked, really thats it.

Oh and this baby is breech. I understand that I'm currently spared the bowling ball between my legs feeling, but the bowling ball under my ribs is TERRIBLE! And her butt still wiggles around on my bladder and every now and then she'll give it a good swift kick. Thats fun in public, the look on my face must horrify passerby's.

And I can't sleep. I'm up to pee at least 6 times a night. Yesterday morning after a 12 hour night shift I literally got up to pee 7 times between 6 am and 10:45 am, when I finally gave up and got up for the day.

And I can't bend over to pick stuff up. Because if I do that I squish her head into my ribs, which squishes her butt onto my bladder, which causes me to contract, which is no fun.

Oh and because she's breech I've turned into a hippie witch doctor. Last week I saw the chiropractor 4 times, got a massage on a table with a belly hole, got acupuncture and started using moxibustion which if you don't know is a stick of mug wort you burn near your little toe to encourage the babe to flip. It smells like pot, which makes my house smell like pot. Which makes babysitters and friends look at me weird.

And I have no appetite, I get nauseous after 6 bites of food, have 0 interest in cooking (poor Blake lives on PB&J and macaroni) but am hungry ALL the time.

Wow that was quite a little complaint session. And basically sums up the 36 weeks prior to now as well. Just a few more weeks and my body will no longer carry another human being, I know it won't be "mine" again for quite some time, but at least it will be a baby lighter!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Holding on to my "baby"

Tonight as I was getting in bed you started crying. You didn’t get up but I could tell you were having a nightmare by the sound of your cries. While you can usually put yourself back to sleep it was taking longer than usually tonight, so I went up to your room. You immediately reached for me and as I picked you up, you laid your head on my shoulder and went back to sleep.

Now, I could have put you back in bed, but I was selfish. So I sat down in the rocking chair and rocked you while you drooled on my shoulder and twitched in that deep sleeping way. I was feeling selfish because I haven’t had you sleep on my shoulder in months and months and months and I knew that those moments were going to be even more infrequent as you continued to grow and your sister joins us in the next few weeks. You were going to graduate from baby to big girl and as I held your little body tonight I couldn’t help but cry.

Tears of sadness that you weren’t going to be sleeping on my shoulder forever, that I wouldn’t have my undivided attention to give you anymore and that you were growing. 

Also tears of joy knowing that you are still mine and that no matter what you will aways be my baby. You will always be my first. You will always be the one who broke open my heart. Taught me the most amazing kind of love. And the one who made me a mommy.

Blake Emme Brewer I love you more than words could ever describe, you are my baby, my light and my life.

First day home-2012

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Oh the Things She Says.....

Within a 15 second period while I tried to go to pee Blake recited the following monologue "Poop. Potty. Flush. Mama sit. Flush. Spinning, spinning (proceeding to spin), spinning. Milk. Mo milk Mama. Tag off shirt. Shirt itch. Nose itch. Spinning"
"Baby Woooooo"- Her baby doll Baby Lou she is in love with.

"Hi Blakie!!"- Any time she sees herself in a mirror or picture.
Tries to eat a carrot, immediately spits it out. Mom "Oh but its good! Its a candy carrot!" Shoves it right back in her mouth.....Parenting fail?
Now using the potty for a treat. "Mama, poop potty." Runs to the bathroom. After taking off her diaper, her pants and sitting on the potty for 0.2 seconds she claps, then says "Treat, eat, mouth. Mouth (pointing at her mouth). Mouth!!!!!!"

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Cake Date

As we get closer and closer to meeting Maisy, I feel like I want to cram a million little activities with Blake into our limited time. I want to cherish the moments while she is our one and only. I want to give her my undivided attention and spoil her rotten. 

So this morning when we got up we went and got breakfast. Now Blake doesn't request much as far as food goes, but she does request cake constantly. So we went and got pancakes. And she was a happy kid, which made me a happy mom.

I love that little cheese ball!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Oh the things she says....

Blake has reached the age where she is starting to say the darndest things. Here are a few of her latest one liners:

While sitting upstairs with my mom reading, my mom says (due to the small print and dark pages) "Blake, lets read another book. I can't see this one." Blake turns and looks at her, then points at her face and says "Glasses". (pronounced blasses)

Heading upstairs for bath time while my mom was in town I asked her, "Blake who do you want to give you a bath? Mama or Gigi?" Blake responds, "Mama. No, no, no, no, no! Gigi!" Thanks baby.

Blake has become really bothered by having food or another mess on her hands. So yesterday while she is feeding herself yogurt she starts whining about her hands, mean while her face is COVERED in yogurt. So I turn the iPhone camera towards her to show her what her face looks like and she starts yelling "Mess! Mess! Mess!!!" NOT A FAN.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Blake Emme- Month 18

Dear Blake,

These post get harder and harder to write as you do so many new things everyday and even though they are little they are amazing to watch.

The best part truly is to watch you think. We can take one look at you and know you are trying to work something out in your tiny little head and it just brings so much joy to know that the synapses are firing and you are learning.

The biggest thing you've accomplished this month is identifying objects. You might not be able to say all the words yet, but pretty much anything we say you can point to, go to, or pick up. At times we honestly don't know how you do it.

You are also talking up a storm! I'm not even sure I could make a list of everything you can say, but its a long one.

You have become a pickier eater and like your mother have the BIGGEST sweet tooth. You mainly live on eggs, bread, cheese, yogurt, macaroni, pizza, milk and fruit. You don't hate vegetables but one or two bites seems to be plenty. You really are opposed to meat though...

We started the month with Gigi in town and showed her how much you loved all the animals at the zoo. This was also the first time she has seen you walk around so she got a bigger kick out of you running from exhibit to exhibit then in the animals in them.

We had a few rough nights with one of your canine teeth coming through and for the first time ever I was up with you for hours trying to make you comfortable. Lets just say that was tough on us both.

You've gotten really into Barney and Seasame Street and will clap and sing along to all the songs.

We went to Tampa for two weeks to celebrate Thanksgiving and to hang out with your aunts and uncle and Gigi and H.

You had the best time hanging out with the big kids (Kelsey and Anna) and never wanted to sleep, they were so much fun.

We even got to help set up Gigi's Christmas tree before heading back to Denver.

We are so looking forward to watching you enjoy Christmas this year and know it will make us all smile.

Mom and Dad 

Photos with Gigi before she goes home

Enjoying the beautiful Tampa weather

Dress up time

Happy Thanksgiving

Decorating Gigi's Christmas Tree

Park Time

Princess Blake

18 Month Photo Shoot

Blake Emme- Month 17

Hi Blake!

What a fun month this has been!

You are a jumping and moving machine and we love seeing your athletic side shine! Oh and your dance moves are superb, bouncing and swaying to the music or not! 

But mommy's favorite part of the new habits you've formed is that you like to put things away and organize your book shelves. You even help unload the dishwasher and washing machine. It is so nice to have a little helper!

You have started to love using a fork and are getting really good at "stabbing" your food.

You also know where to point when asked "Where's the baby?" We've learned quickly not to ask in public though because you immediately lift up mommy's shirt to find the baby. You also love your baby Lou and ask us to swaddle her constantly.

You have become so good at stacking rings and cups and making sure they are in the correct order.

We took a trip to Charlotte this month to visit Grammy and Cap and your new favorite friend, Barney, kept you very entertained on the plane.

Gigi came to visit for Halloween and you were the best trick or treater in your lady bug costume.

And everyday you add new words to your vocabulary. The new ones we hear the most are juice, toys, play and baby.

It is so much fun seeing what a big girl you are becoming and we love you more and more each day!

Mom and Dad

Bath Time Baby

Fall Fun

 Playing with Grammy in Charlotte

Meeting baby Tyler!

Helping Daddy rake the leaves

Pumpkin painting with the neighbors

Playgroup Halloween Party


17 Month Photo Shoot (getting shorter and shorter)