Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Oh The Things She Says- July Edition

I swear I could write one of these every day! Blake is seriously out of control and hilarious. Here are a few snippets from the week:

While pushing "Tiny Baby" (a baby doll) around in the stroller. 
"Hang on Tiny Baby!! Hang on!"

After going over a bump in the road on the way to camp. 
"No bumps mom. Just drive."

Her new response to basically everything. 
"Oh yeaaaaa!" 

While playing with her toys in the tub, a few things were sinking. 
"Oh no!! Save it!"

After a sticker she was playing with tore. 
"Oh no! I broke it. I need tape!"

I had gone to a baby shower and Chris put her down for a nap, which she did not want to take and fought FOREVER, so when I got home I went to get her up. She gave me the biggest hug and said "Mommys back!!! I love mommy."

While looking in the mirror after bath time. 
"Eyes. Nose. Cheek. Cheek. Mouth. I bootiful."

When she sees her face after a particularly messy meal.
 "I Mess-a!"

She loves to tell Maisy that she loves her and try to calm her down when she's upset and has started saying "Hi buddy!" to Jackson when she sees him. She also has become adorably OCD and when she chooses to put away her toys they MUST go in the correct spot. Oh and the other day she asked for noodles for breakfast, insisted on napping in her bathing suit and wanted to wear her bunny slippers on a walk.

In closing here is a video of the crazy, using a tortilla as a blanket so her cookies could nap.