June 1, 2012-June 7, 2012
Dear Blake,
You are here!!!! And things are busy! We may be exhausted but it is all worth it when we look at your sweet face.

After your delivery on Friday, June 1, 2012 at 5:05 pm we had a wild first hour. You were a little gunky sounding and were retracting with each breath, so the Neonatal Nurse Practioner came to see you, she said you were ok. We weren't in total agreement so we asked Carol the transition nurse to come and help you cry it out. She weighed you and measured you, did your first set of vitals and gave you your first two shots, which in turn helped you scream out some of that gunk. After your first meal and a little more feeling returning to my numb left leg we moved over to our room on Family Care. Once there your dad popped open some bubbly to celebrate and gave me my "push present", a gorgeous pair of diamond stud earrings. Gigi and Aunt Kelsey left after a delicious dinner of Pizza Hut (my post-delivery craving) and dad and I were on our own. Needless to say he slept well and I didn't sleep at all, how could I with a new little baby to stare at?

Throughout the rest of our stay we watched movies, rested, got you your first bath, worked on breastfeeding and made sure your little lungs were doing ok. Saturday night we spent some time in the nursery due to the fact you were breathing too quickly once again.
After some monitoring your oxygen level was fine, your x-rays and labs were clear so after a visit from all of our doctors we were discharged to go home Sunday afternoon.
It was wonderful to be home, in our bed and eating Gigi's home cooked meals.
Monday required a lab draw for your bilirubin level and a doctors visit for a weight check and jaundice update (as your bili level went from a 10 to 16 from Sunday to Monday). Your weight was down to 5 lbs 8 oz and a bilibed was ordered for Monday night. With your little shades on you slept under the lights while your dad and I took turns staying awake and watching you.
With headaches and blurry vision we went to get your blood drawn again on Tuesday. Your labs came back with a level of 7! But Wednesday they were back up to 17. After consulting with the doctore we decided the Tuesday levels were wrong and you had breastfeeding jaundice. With the doctors advice I continued to breastfeed you and hopefully things will clear soon.
We spent lots of quality time holding you and loving on you during your first week of life!
Big eyed after your first bath
Our little orange baby
Aunt Kels and Dad snuggling with you at home
Updates from week 1
How big are you?
By Wednesday 6/6 at the lactation weigh in you were back up to 5lbs 12 oz
Where did we go?
Home, Labcorp several times and the doctors office
What did you do new?
Saw your house, got sponge baths, and slept in your co-sleeper
Who did you see?
Gigi and Aunt Kels were in town all week and you met your pups!
What did you eat?
Mama's milk. You are eating every 1.5-2 hours around the clock. We are still working on getting into a feeding groove and it still hurts mommy but you are growing!
When did you sleep?
You sleep when you aren't eating, in hour spurts
Your favorite things?
Our favorite things?
Getting to know you!