Dear Blake,
Another month has passed us by and somehow it has seemed faster than the ones before. You contine to change on a daily basis and that astounds your dad and I.
You become more aware of the world around you on a daily basis, taking in everything that goes on. You watch us eat, analyzing every bite that enters our mouths. You watch us move and talk. You actually noticed your puppies and follow them around a room with your eyes and have started reaching out to them as well.
You have fallen more and more in love with your daddy. When he gets home from work you smile so big and can't help but stare and smile when he is next to you on the couch.
Your laugh is contagious especially since you add sqeuals and gurgles in with ever giggle. Blowing on your belly and thighs always gets you going, but more and more little things are making you laugh too. A silly dance, a funny sound, people making funny faces and we just can't get enough.
You still have so much to say and talk, talk, talk to us, to your toys, and to whomever will listen. And speaking of your toys they were so much more interesting this month. You can grab for them and are delighted to have new ones to play with and chew on. Well especially chew on.
You got better and better at tummy time and will hold your head up forever if the tv is in your way, but if nothing is keeping you entertained you just roll on over to your back and look at your toes. And towards the end of the month discovered that your toes were fun toys too.
You are still a thumb sucker and it is a sure sign of a sleepy girl if you get that thumb in your mouth, especially if you get your left hand up over your face too....We might as well count you out at that point.
You became such a big girl trying to pull yourself up to a sitting position, but once there the wobble takes over. You also want to stand as much as possible and oh boy does it make you feel cool.
We spent a lot of the month with friends and family during supper group, lunch outings and your first Halloween with your friends and a special Gigi visitor. You were a cute little homemade pumpkin and were a star trick or treater.
We continue to see the changes everyday, but with those changes your personality develops more and more. You are so strong spirited and witty. You have a sense of humor that makes us shake our heads in wonder. You know what you want and demand that we get it right.
You are a love bug who is happy more than not. You love us and there is no better feeling in the world. You are a beam of light through ever shade of dark and make each day better than the one before.
As hard as it is to see you grow, there is nothing I would rather watch. You truly are a treat, a blessing, a gift, a wonder, a miracle, our hearts, our world and everything in between.
Happy 5 months baby girl. We love you more than you will ever know.
Mom and Dad
You started out the month at 13lbs and finished at right around 14lbs (according to our home scale)!
Dillon, the Continental Divide, shopping, trick or treating, and to the park.
Saw snow, grabbed your toes, learned to bake, found your puppies, sat in your high chair and practiced sitting!
Whenever you want during the day. You are not the best napper, a 5 minute cat nap seems to make you happy, but that just means a bigger crash later on. Bedtime still comes after a bath and snack and possibly a book. You typically sleep from 9-6 and then go back to sleep for a few hours.
Celebrating Waylon's 1st Birthday
Pumpkin Patch and Fall Fun
Playtime and Game Days
Playing dress up
Sitting in her highchair for the first time
Talking to Peli
Happy Halloween!
5 Month Photo Shoot