I literally can not get enough of how perfect the world seems when Blake sleeps. She looks innocent and angelic and like the baby I brought home from the hospital, not the toddler she is becoming. So I capture these moments as often as I can. Which seems to be almost daily from the huge number of pictures on my phone....
Monday, January 28, 2013
Thursday, January 3, 2013
7 Month Photo Shoot Melt Down
This month's photo shoot was hard! All Blake wanted to do was grab the sign....Here is what happened when I told her no/took it away....
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Blake Emme- Month 7
We are over half way through the first year of your life and I still get excited to wake up and see you in the morning.
This month was full of adventure. You went on your third plane ride to Tampa and you spent those two weeks playing with your Gigi and Big H and Aunts and Uncle and Cousins (well second cousins) and Friends.
Your first two teeth came in and boy do you like to chew.
You are fully sitting on your own.
You are eating two meals of solid food a day.
You saw more snow.
You fell in love with your puppies.
You learned to pull up to standing.
You decided that sleeping through the night was overrated.
You celebrated your first Christmas and true to form loved the wrapping paper more than the toys inside.
Your smile could melt the snow and your personality illicits such joy in all those around you.
We love you so so much little girl!
Mom and Dad

How big are you?
You know I'm not really sure! I'm guessing around 15 lbs...
Where did we go?
Tampa to spend Christmas with the Walker family.
What did you do new?
You got 2 teeth, met Santa, set up and ate lots of new food.
Who did you see?
Tampa friends and family.
When did you sleep?
We worked on getting you down for two naps a day around 10 and 2. These sometimes (usually) lasted 20 minutes or less, but anything helps! You went to bed around 8 and started waking up far more often than you used to (thanks Tampa), but are finally awake by 8:30 am.
Snow day with dad
Playing with Uncle T
Spending time with Aunt Annie and Aunt Kels during the Duncan Christmas party
First Christmas Photo Shoot with Cousin Bennett (10 mo)
Sisters and their grandbabies
Getting ready to go out to lunch with Big H
Aunt CC came to visit!!
Cuddling with Judi and Bob-bob
Holding court!
Christmas Eve
Christmas morning in Tampa
Visiting with Grandad
Out to lunch with Gigi on our last day in Tampa
New Years Eve with Daddy--Milk drunk and out early

7 Month Shoot
Really only interested in the sign....
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