Oh love bug....how is it that you have been with us for over three quarters of a year? In some ways it seems like just yesterday you made your appearance but other days it feels like you have been with me my whole life.
This past month (February) was a quick one...too quick for my liking but a blast as always with visitors and valentines and snow.
You popped another top tooth and bottom tooth this month and your big ole top toofers with the impressive gap keep us constantly entertained.
Your musical talent has continued to blossom with your love of tambourines, maracas and pots and pan drums.
You continue to think about crawling and are of so analytical in this as well as the rest of life. Even though you haven't crawled you still get around and into things we think are out of your reach....We are so unprepared!
You loved on your Gigi, Big H and Aunt Kels during their visit.
You celebrated your first Holiday of Love with hearts and pink and red and mommy and daddy kisses.
You played in the snow for the first time....you were a bit confused.
Your Gigi (our hero) got you to sleep through the night again and what a treat it has been!
You started enjoying whole foods and can't get enough of the ability to pick food up off your tray and chew away. Bananas, blueberries, cheese and bread are your favorites! A true testament to the fact you are my daughter.
You are a chatter box who said mama for the first time and loves to growl at everyone.
You are serious and quizzical and funny and proud and excited about life.
You love standing and think you are the bees knees when you are up on your feet.
You love to read and get so excited when you see a book.
When you wake up you chat with your toys and just love life and we are rewarded with the biggest smile upon entering your room.
You want to snuggle and be independent and explore and be held tight and give kisses and get kisses and high fives and waves and spin and swing and tickle and giggle and put on a pout and a show and tell us what is right and wrong without the use of words and with all this you make our hearts glow.
We love you baby girl and while time is going too quickly there isn't a moment we take for granted.
Love you,
Mom and dad
After your 9 month doctors appointment we can confirm that you are a shrimp! 15 lbs 10 oz and 5th percentile...but you are a tall girl at 28 in and 75th percentile.
We drove over to Boulder and up to Red Rocks with Gigi and Big H.
You are now pulling up to standing, getting more teeth and eating away! You also got to play in the snow.
Gigi, Big H, Aunt Kels and friends at Lyla's 1st birthday party.
Naps are easy and regular! You go down around 10:30 and 2:30 for an hour or two each nap. When you start sucking your thumb we head upstairs, I lay you down and you sleep! As far as night time goes, Gigi is our hero! While visiting she became the enforcer and worked on sleep training and after 3 nights you began sleeping through the night again!!!!! You go down around 7:30 (basically bath, eat, rock, in bed awake, then you go to sleep!), wake up around 5:30 to eat then back to sleep till 8 or 9!!!! Loving life :)
Driving range to golf with Daddy with snow on the ground!
Super Bowl Sunday! Pre-game analysis and game day aggression
Just laying around with the family
Red Rocks Ampitheatre with Big H and Gigi
Saying bye to Big H
And playing ball with Gigi
Play time with Daddy
Happy Valentines Day!

Saturday at the zoo
Playing at Lyla's 1st birthday party
Oh! Puffs!"
Getting ready for fun in the snow
9 Month Photo Shoot