6 months? 6 months?! Really? It is unbelivable that you have been here for 6 months.
It is more unbelievable how much you have changed.
You continue to grow, but this month your personality has blossomed and is hard to contain. While your smiles are contagious and abundant you have certaintly developed your own opions and attitudes about many things.
You fight naps and in turn become a banshee around 6 pm, laughing, squealing, screaming and bouncing around like a hilarious tiny tornado.
With all the free time in the day, when you should be napping, you have reached many milestones this month.
You love toys and will do all you can to get to them, which usually means screaming loud enough for your dad or I to get them for you.
You started to sit on your own and rolled over from your back to your front.
You are teething and anything that is in your hands or in your reach goes into your mouth.
You love watching big kids play and I know will be on the move way too soon.
You started eating solids and have enjoyed a few breakfast of rice cereal.
You spent time with your Gigi and took another flight, this time to North Carolina to visit your Grammy and Captain and meet your aunts, uncles and mommy and daddy's friends.
Everything you do melts our heart, even if its fighting sleep or throwing a tantrum. We love it and we love you.
Mommy and Daddy

You fight naps and in turn become a banshee around 6 pm, laughing, squealing, screaming and bouncing around like a hilarious tiny tornado.
With all the free time in the day, when you should be napping, you have reached many milestones this month.
You love toys and will do all you can to get to them, which usually means screaming loud enough for your dad or I to get them for you.
You started to sit on your own and rolled over from your back to your front.
You are teething and anything that is in your hands or in your reach goes into your mouth.
You love watching big kids play and I know will be on the move way too soon.
You started eating solids and have enjoyed a few breakfast of rice cereal.
You spent time with your Gigi and took another flight, this time to North Carolina to visit your Grammy and Captain and meet your aunts, uncles and mommy and daddy's friends.
Everything you do melts our heart, even if its fighting sleep or throwing a tantrum. We love it and we love you.
Mommy and Daddy

How big are you?
You started out the month at 14lbs and finished at right around 15lbs (according to our home scale)!
Where did we go?
North Carolina!! We flew to Charlotte to visit your family and friends. We also went to buy a Christmas tree and celebrated Thanksgiving.
What did you do new?
Worked on getting a tooth, sat up, rolled from your back to your front, ate solid food and met some new friends.
Who did you see?
NC family and friends.
When did you sleep?
Whenever you want during the day. You are not the best napper, a 5 minute cat nap seems to make you happy, but that just means a bigger crash later on. Bedtime still comes after a bath and snack and possibly a book. You typically sleep from 9-6 and then go back to sleep for a few hours.
Visiting with Gigi in Denver
Meeting Church and Mimi (your great grandparents)
Spending time with your uncles and Grammy
Sip and See at the Cardais House
Giving cereal a try for the first time
Smores and a fire with Dad Thanksgiving |
Christmas tree shopping!
Christmas tree decorating and watching Frosty
6 Month Photo Shoot
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