Oh Beanie Bear I know I say it every single month but time is going way way too fast! As usual we had a fabulous month with lots of milestones reached and activities conquered.
Most importantly after three months of rocking back and forth you started to crawl! And after you figured it out you were off. Off to unpack my suitcase. Off to knock the books off the book shelf. Off to the dog food bowl, which subsequently turned into you eating dog food.
Shortly after learning how to crawl you figured out how to pull to standing and decided cruising around furniture on two feet was infinitly better than using all four limbs to move.
With this new found mobility you have become such an independent player. You love things that make noise when you shake them, things that roll around in your roasting pan and anything that you shouldn't be playing with such as cell phones, remotes, and electrical cords.
You also love playing with other kids. When kids are around your dad and I no longer exist.
And you are so vocal now! "Babababa, dadadadadada" and when the dogs walk into a room you "woof" and squeal and say what I swear must be "Its Jackson."
You have started to act "shy" around strangers, tucking your head and peeking out to see them. But at home you are as far from shy as it gets. Handing us toys and food and pulling them back before we get them and laughing away when we "bite" things.
You have expanded your food repotoire to include favorites such as ice cream, quesadillas, waffles, feta cheese (well any cheese really) and bread of any kind. I swear we feed you fruits and veggies too!
Aside from all your achievments you also had a visit from Grammy and Captain Gregg and had such a good time snuggling with Grammy and swinging at the park.
You also made your third trip to Florida where you vacationed at the Ritz, walked on sand for the first time, loved swimming and have succumb to the intoxication of sleeping at your grandparents house (It was the same for me when visiting my grandparents growing up.)
You have grown into such a fun loving, energy filled, goof ball and we love you so much!
Mom and Dad

How big are you?
Not really sure....My guess is you are just about 16 lbs, you teeny tiny little thing!
Where did we go?
Miami and Tampa. You are officially a Ritz vacationer.
What did you do new?
You started crawling!! And cruising! You also went to the beach and ate ice cream for the first time.
Who did you see?
Grammy, Captain Gregg, Gigi, Big H, Aunt Annie, Tiffanie, Marissa, Jess, Michael, The Gibson's and a few other Tampa friends.
When did you sleep?
Thanks to Gigi you are on a sleep schedule! Naps at 10ish and 2ish for 1-2 hours. Bedtime around 7:30, wake up at 5:30 to eat and back down till 8ish.
Going to Florida of course messed this up and you basically didn't sleep while we were at the hotel, which was tough, but eventually around 11 pm you would pass out on the bed and sleep till morning. Once we got home you were right back on track!

Enjoying your first ice cream cone
Play time at the Ritz
Brunch in Tampa
Goofing around at Gigi's house
Back in Denver playing with her roasting pan and socks
Snow day!
Happy Easter!
10 Month Photo Shoot
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