One more month down and one more to go before you are a year old!! How in the world has this happened so incredibly fast?!
This month flew by as usual with a few highs and a few lows. Well two lows. One being that you got your first official cold and ear infection. You were miserable, I was miserable, the whole situation was miserable.
Number two being that you got this cold two days before mama and dada left for our first vacation without you...but with an antibiotic and Gigi's love we got you back to your goofy self in no time!
As far as highs go you had a plenty. You found your tongue which does not help with the buckets of drool you produce, but have had a blast sticking it out and grabbing it to the amusement of all those around you.
You started clapping and are so proud of yourself when you put your hands together and everyone else cheers and claps along.
You wave at everyone we see and it is the cutest full arm wave ever.
You are a jumping bean! Bouncing on our laps and on the floor and while standing holding onto the couch. Up and down and up and down.
You are also more active than the Energizer bunny. Going and going. Crawling, standing, pulling, pushing, shaking, rattling, and rolling. There is no stopping you. Even when you are calm and nursing you are still poking and touching and exploring everything within reach, but mainly mama's nose.
You graduated from your ducky tub and are officially a swimmer in the big tub.
You have learned to growl like a gator on command to "What do gators say?", "woof" when the dogs walk in a room, give a little cough when asked "Blake do you have a cough?" and blabber dada, dada, dada all day long.
You started walking running behind your push toys and couldn't have a bigger grin on your face if we wanted you to.
You spent five days with Gigi and Susan exploring Denver (well mainly dining out in Denver) and survived a few more snowstorms.
You still love to eat cheese, bread and yogurt, but have a new found love for blueberries, strawberries, pears and spaghetti.
You have the best personality. You squeal and giggle and ooohh and ahh and whoa at everything that is new and amazing to you, which at this age is quite a bit! And if it is even possible we have fallen more in love with you.
Mama and Dada
How big are you?
When we went to the doctor for your cold you weighed in at 16 lbs 4oz, fully clothed.
Where did we go?
No where new, mainly out and about in Denver.
What did you do new?
Walked behind your push toy!
Who did you see?
Gigi, Susan Pelobuet, and Denver friends.
When did you sleep?
Bedtime remains to be between 7 and 8 pm. We start with a bath, then nurse/bottle, then into bed awake. You are down in a few minutes and sleep till 5:30ish, eat, and go back to sleep until 8ish. Nap time usually falls 2-3 hours after you wake up, but it is very obvious when you are ready! You go from sweet and playful to grumpy and wild, so at that point we head upstairs, you nurse and go down for 1-2 hours. Then you are up we do lunch, play and 2 hours later you are back down for another hour or so.

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