Dear Blake,
It is amazing to think that we are wrapping up the last calendar month of your second year on earth! Crazyness!
We started the month in Tampa, loving the warm weather and sunshine. On the day we flew back to Denver it was 76 in Tampa and -4 in Denver....
You have picked up your dance moves again this month and get the biggest kick out of it. You also learned to spin and will spin and spin while saying "Spinning" for far too long. You even throw your head back to laugh when you think you've been silly.
You've also started organizing, cleaning, and putting up more things this month. I know you did it last month, but you really like to make sure things are where they are supposed to be.
You are a book fanatic now! We used to sing songs at bedtime but now we have to read at least 2 books before you go to sleep.
You have several favorites that include, "Nursery Rhymes", "Saffy and Ollie", and "Goodnight Moon". With "Saffy and Ollie" you always say the "roll, roll, rolls" and with "Goodnight Moon" you do the hush with the quiet old lady.
You are getting better at identifying animals. At bath time I can ask you to find the "duck" block (or pretty much any other animal that is on our bath blocks) and you'll find it, say the animal name and make the sound!!
You've gotten more of an appetite and say "MMMMMMMMmmmmm" when you eat something you like.
You love the Christmas tree, the ornaments and all the lights and spend plenty of time taking down the ornaments you want to play with.
You also can identify Santa and will say "Ho, ho, ho" when you see him.
You loved your new presents but were a fairly lazy present opener and finally opened your last one on New Years day.
We loved watching you enjoy the holiday and all it has to offer from the many Santa visits, to parties, presents, treats and extra snuggles. You are such a little lady and we love you!!
Mom and Dad.
Mom and Dad at the Nutcracker Ballet
Meeting Santa
Christmas Eve Dinner with Daddy
Christmas 'Morning'-Mid Day since Mom worked
Mod Mom's Christmas Party
New Year's Eve

19 Month Photo Shoot
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