Well another month has passed by and you have continued to grow in so many ways.
You celebrated our countries independence with a bbq and visit to the pool. You didn't get to swim because it was too cold but we know you will love it when you do.
You put your self on a sleep schedule. You went on many walks with me and dad. You went on a train ride and cheered on our country in the 30th Olympiad.
You met your great grandfather. You met your neighbors. And you met your future friends via the magic of technology.
You started smiling and really seeing us. It is an incredible feeling to look at you and see you staring into our eyes with the biggest grin on your face.
You've started talking and we can't help but get excited every time you have something to say.
Your personality grows every day and as we've said before we can't wait to see what is to come.
Mommy and Daddy

How big are you?
You started out the month at 7lbs 5oz and grew right on target at approximately 0.5lbs per week. You weighed in at 9lbs on the 11th and were 10lbs by the end of your second month of life!
Where did we go?
We went a lot of places this month! We went to the Farmer's Market, to a movie on the lawn, to the doctors office, to the pool, and to the mountains.
What did you do new?
You are such a happy girl! You are getting closer and closer to laughing everyday. You also get so excited when you see your daddy or I after we've been gone for a few minutes. Your hands are finding their way into your mouth and you are exploring all the things you can touch. You are becoming a much more efficient eater. 5-8 minutes on each side and you are good to go. You are napping less and sleeping more at night.
Who did you see?
Your great grandfather, mom and dad's work friends and the babies at lactation weigh-in.
When did you sleep?
You are still basically on the same schedule but your naps are more sporadic. Some days you nap all the time and others you are awake all morning and most of the afternoon. You are still waking up two times a night to eat but you are eating less and less each time.
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