Dear Blake,
You have been here for 15 months now and every day you show me something new about being your mom and excite me with all you learn and how you grow.
We started the month in Charlotte at Grammy and Captain Gregg’s, where we saw your Uncles and got to celebrate baby Tyler at Caroline’s baby shower.
You also got to go on your first boat ride!
Once we got back to Denver you hit one of your biggest milestones yet and started walking!! You do most of your walking with your hands in the air and end up back on the ground more than not.
Now that you are walking you have added a few other tricks to your show. You jump, climb and when you are good and mad use those two things in tandem to throw a tantrum.
You went fishing for the first time and realized that sand is not your favorite thing. And that the fish weren’t biting.
Aunt Annie came to visit and we had the best time! You loved having her chase you, tickle you and show you how to color.
We also went to the childrens museum and zoo while she was here. You were such a little explorer at the museum and did such a good job spotting the animals and saying waving to them while at the zoo.
You even spent a little time yelling at the peacock who was yelling at you. And gave us a show by telling us what the animals we were seeing say.
While dad was out of town you received your first black eye from a little trip down a slide…but like the tough cookie you are you brushed it right off.
Big H also came to visit at the end of the month for a few days and brought you your first pair of Nikes!!
You have a weird aversion to food, well not to food but to food temperatures and will let us know if anything is even remotely "hot". If it is, you will not eat it.
You have continued to add words to your vocabulary, while they might not get used all the time you have definitely found your voice. You even discovered that by yelling into a cup it echoes and it is one of your favorite things to do.
You also know you are hilarious. When you are being "funny" you put your hand up to your mouth and gasp :)
And finally we got some huge news this month! You are going to be a BIG SISTER!!!!!
We can not wait to see you grow into this role and continue exploring the world around you.
We love you so much,
Mom and Dad
Playtime with family in Charlotte!
First boat ride on Lake Norman
Celebrating Phoenix's 1st birthday!
Learning to fish
Having a moment with Cricket
Hiking in Breckenridge with Aunt Annie
Children's Museum and Zoo time with Aunt Annie
Summer fun with Daddy
Loving time with Big H

These pictures do not get easier...
You have continued to add words to your vocabulary, while they might not get used all the time you have definitely found your voice. You even discovered that by yelling into a cup it echoes and it is one of your favorite things to do.
You also know you are hilarious. When you are being "funny" you put your hand up to your mouth and gasp :)
And finally we got some huge news this month! You are going to be a BIG SISTER!!!!!
We can not wait to see you grow into this role and continue exploring the world around you.
We love you so much,
Mom and Dad
Playtime with family in Charlotte!
First boat ride on Lake Norman
Celebrating Baby Tyler and Aunt Caroline!
Celebrating Phoenix's 1st birthday!
Learning to fish
Having a moment with Cricket
Hiking in Breckenridge with Aunt Annie
Children's Museum and Zoo time with Aunt Annie
Summer fun with Daddy

These pictures do not get easier...
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